Tuesday, March 29, 2016

The night before 1st clinical

I'm quite exhausted today after 5-hr pharm and 4hr research and hours of traffic and studying with self and with pal. Tomorrow is clinical. Despite being exhausted, I decided to drag myself to Target to get some hygiene products since I've run out of them ... Even tho it's called clinical, I feel like it's more like a practicum. Our objective is simply to do physical examination and soap with some DDx. I feel like it's more like a practicum other than a clinical because Ur given a preceptor, it's not that ur gonna work with ur clinical instructor, it's a practicing practitioner! In RN clinical, you're rotating thru a bunch of clinicals working with your instructors. This ur by urself with the preceptor. All alone! In another post, another day, I'll post what u need bring for ur clinical.

In RN school, it's not until the last semester that u had ur own preceptor 1:1. For NP school, u start working with ur preceptor immediately on the first day of the first clinical!!!

Thinking back about the my practicum experience, I realize that I'll have to be self-starter and self-motivation a lot! I'm there to work and to learn! That's what it is! It's not socialization per se!

I guess the best approach to graduate clinical is act as if ur working! Don't expect to be held hands or socialize but work and learn!

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