Saturday, April 2, 2016


Facial masking: blank expressions, immobilized, staring

Shuffling gait: walk by dragging one's feet along or without lifting them fully from the ground. Turning is en bloc like a statue.

Pill-rolling tremors: "the motion used to roll a marble between the thumb and forefinger"
"The tremor often spreads to the other side of the body as the disease progresses, but will remain most obvious on the side of the body where it first started.
A few more points on tremors include:
  • usually occur at rest, may occur at any time
  • may become severe enough to interfere with activities
  • may be worse when tired, excited, or stressed
  • finger-thumb rubbing (*pill-rolling tremor) may be present
*NOTE: ("Pill-rolling" is seen especially in the hands; this is fairly unique to Parkinson's disease. The term refers to the motion that a pharmacist uses to align a handful of pills before placing them in a bottle or, possibly, the motion used to roll a marble between the thumb and forefinger. Eventually the tremor becomes more generalized.)"


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